Lilla, a software developer, works in Morgan Stanley's Budapest office and is a graduate of the firm's Technology Analyst Program. She believes tech is a great career for women, and she is active in recruiting.
Can you discuss your passion for women and technology?
I'm keen on helping young girls and women become developers. I want to help support them in their career choices. At Morgan Stanley, I am a member of the firm’s Women in Technology group. One of our goals is to inspire younger generations and motivate them to go for their dreams.
In this group, I have helped organize tech events for girls and women, delivered presentations and led panel discussions on opportunities for women in technology.
Are there lots of opportunities for women in tech?
There are quite a few women here who I work with, and we also have a female intern working with us right now. In Hungary, there're many jobs open in technology; it's more about finding the right job for you.
What was the Technology Analyst Program like?
I worked in New York City, which was very exciting, and I learned a lot. During several months in the program, I learned technical skills, including Unix, C++, Java and SQL. And in the last four weeks, I worked with a team of three people to help developers with their own projects. We all came from different backgrounds, and the training got everyone on the same level.
Did you do the program straight out of university?
Yes, and it was great because it bridged university life with the real world. During college, you study and take exams but here you apply your studies (and learn how to make it to the office by 9 a.m.).
What do you do now at Morgan Stanley?
After the program, I was hired to work on applications that help our traders around the globe. My daily work consists of designing and testing software and supporting applications for clients. I also invent new features and fix bugs. The business changes minute by minute, which means sometimes we have to develop quickly.
I talk to traders regularly about what they would like to see on an application. This includes features that will make their lives a lot easier, like calculating three fields with the press of a button.
Are you active in recruiting?
I work closely with events at my college, the University of Pannonia, to find and support top talent. I think it is vital to help young girls with their careers and to encourage them to engage in technology if that's where their interest lies.
In your experience, where do good ideas get their start?
I think great ideas come from open-minded discussions. Everyone on my team is encouraged to speak up no matter what their level. It also helps that I work on a diverse and global team. Everyone comes from a different background, whether it’s the university they attended or the country they come from.